49. A bem amada pátria de Sócrates, a Finlândia, comemora hoje o 89.º aniversário da Indenpendência.
O movimento independentista finlandês começou depois da Revolução Russa (1917) “provocado pelos distúrbios provenientes da derrota na primeira guerra mundial”, segundo consta de um site finlandês.
A revolução bolchevista abriu o debate sobre quem deveria governar a Finlândia (terra pouco atractiva) “Depois de vários desaguisados entre os não socialistas e os social-democratas”, não sou eu que digo isto, é o site, ” O parlamento liderado por Per Evind Svinhufvud, declarou finalmente a Finlândia como Estado independente, em 6 de Dezembro de 1917″

“The national festivities of Independence Day, begin by raising the flag in Tähtitorni hill, in Helsinki. This is then followed with the festive divine service at the Cathedral of Helsinki, where by tradition, the President is also present. In the evening the President receives guests for the gala occasion which is held at the President’s Palace in Helsinki. Approximately 2000 people are invited to this banquet every year, and war veterans attend as the guests of honour. The event is broadcast on television, and although it is a very popular happening which collects millions of Finns in front of the TV every year, it also keeps the police busy due to demonstrators gathering in front of the President’s Palace.Every Year on Independence Day, the Finnish Defence Forces arranges a military parade in one of the garrison cities. Independence Day is an official flag-raising day, and in every home, two candles are normally lit to honor the day.Every Year an Independence Day celebration is held for less fortunate people, in Hakaniemi market square, organized by charities”.
Tanta festa para 89 anos, nós fizemos 366 e, para além do feriado, ninguém deu conta… por supuesto